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Boys Track & Field

Regular Season 2025

2025 Track & Field Season starts Monday, March 10th!!!

Open dome times are Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4pm until the season starts.  Join captains for work outs to get ready for the upcoming season.

Reach out to Coach Finch ( with any questions.

Upcoming Track Clinics available for athletes

UWRF is hosting Sunday camps over the next 7 weekends.  If interested, see info below:


Sean Fries 9th at Footlocker Nationals earning All-American Status

Spring packing

Saturday March 15

12:00 Noon @ Chanhassen

All Interested Should Text to Coach Steffen

at 763-300-1178   and include:

FMSC, Your Name, Year in School

Want to bring a non-track friend? 

Add their name and year

State Meet

Click on the icon below to view and download an addendum to the 2024 Season Book including state meet information.

Class AAA State Meet - STMA

Section 2AAA Prelims & Finals

5/8 Section 7AAA True Team Meet @Hopkins


Team Scores:

Minnetonka: 961

Wayzata: 935.5

Eden Prairie: 822.5

Hopkins: 816

Transportation Waiver

A transportation waiver is required for any athlete not riding the bus to away meets.  I encourage all athletes to have a waiver on file for this season.

Anyone leaving meets early with parents needs to approve this with me at least the day before the meet and requires the signed transportation waiver.  Requests made at the meet to leave early will not be allowed.

Please fill this out and return to Coach Finch.  Either paper copy or email/picture work.

Running Shoes

Athletes get a discount at the following running stores, just tell the sales person that you are on the Minnetonka Track and Field Team.

The Lakes Running Co.  (click for link)

20% Discount

Located in downtown Excelsior

218 Water Street
Excelsior, MN 55331
(952) 470-5444

TC Running - Discount for parents too!

Located on the SE Corner of Shady Oak Road and Crosstown

6405 City West Pkwy # B5
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
(952) 944-7386

Gear West

Located on Hwy 12 in Long Lake

1786 W Wayzata Blvd
Suite B, Long Lake, MN 55356
(952) 473-0377

Pre-competition Nutrition

7 Tips for a Great Pre-Game Meal 

  1. Don’t Experiment
    Don’t try new foods on a game day, it might cause unexpected problems.
  2. Avoid Soft Drinks and Candy
    Sugar is your enemy, empty calories that don’t provide long term fuel source.
  3. High Carbohydrates
    Never can go wrong with breads, pasta, rice…pure long lasting energy source.
  4. Timing
    Takes about 3 hours to empty the stomach of quality food.
  5. Fluids
    Plenty of water and sports drinks…stay away from carbonated sugary soft drinks.
  6. Avoid High Fat Intake
    Fat takes longer to digest and lots of water to process.
  7. Limit Protein Intake
    Protein is a weak energy source, great for building tissue but limit the amount immediately prior to competition. Protein is great for recovery after competitions or workouts.

Off-Season Lifting and Plyos for Jumps - Sprints - Hurdles

Coach Matt has put together some recommendations for Sprint-Hurdle-Jumpers who wish to prepare for next year.  Here is an opportunity to not only pick up where you left off but be ahead of where you ended 2023.  Click on the icons below to view or download.  Any questions can be directed to Coach Matt at 763-647-8817.  


  1. General information
  2. Schedule
  3. Meet information
  4. Forms
  5. All Time Bests
  6. Shoe vendors and discounts
  7. Parent packet
  8. Registration link
  9. Athletic trainer contact information
  10. Announcements
  11. Recommendations for off-season training
  12. Link to for complete meet results as soon as they are posted 

Go to:   Fan Page is on left of home page. Select boys (current year) click  go.   NO LOG-IN OR PASSWORD IS NEEDED.  

Choices are :

  1. Team schedule
  2. Team roster (click an athlete to view season performances)
  3. Meet results (Minnetonka specific results, places and points scored)
  4. Top performances (by event)
  5. School records
  6. Messages (Displays a history messages generated through trackcentral and likely were emailed to team and parents.


Click below for a bounding workout particularly good for jumper/sprinter types but anyone would benefit.  Make sure you get a warm-up in first.  Any questions should be directed to coach Steffen.

Info for Athletes

Athletes should have appropriate clothing for outdoor practices everyday.

Questions? Reach out to Coach Finch at





4x800 relay

100 hurdles

100 meters

4x200 relay

1600 meters

4x100 relay

400 meters

300 hurdles

800 meters

200 meters

3200 meters

4x400 relay

2024 State Qualifying Standards

Event Standard
100m 11.11
200m 22.12
400m 49.95
800m 1:56.59
1600m 4:20.00
3200m 9:22.37
110m Hurdles 15.19
300m Hurdles 40.14
4x100m 42.79
4x200m 1:29.19
4x400m 3:24.50
4x800m 8:05.13
High Jump 6' 2"
Pole Vault 12' 11"
Long Jump 21' 8"
Triple Jump 43' 10"
Shot Put 52'
Discus 150' 8"

Lettering Standards

Event Standard
100m 11.7
200m 23.7
400m 54.0
800m 2:10
1600m 4:55
3200m 10:40
110m Hurdles 16.5
300m Hurdles 43.0
High Jump 5' 8"
Pole Vault 10'
Long Jump 19' 3"
Triple Jump 39' 3"
Shot Put 40'
Discus 120'

Parent & Athlete Contact Info Form

Please add your preferred contact info at the link below so we can ensure you receive all important communications from the team. 


The documents below are a history of Minnetonka Boys Track & Field Excellence. This is an ongoing project and updating is constant.

Camp and Clinic Opportunities

I will constantly update as I receive camp information.

Seniors 2023

Below is the slide show from the 2023 SENIOR NIGHT

2023 State Meet Runneer-up

Section 7AAA True Team Meet



Section 7AAA Champs!!!  On to State on May 19th