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Boys Track & Field

Regular Season 2025

Max Impact Training

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Off Season Conditioning For Sprints, Hurdles and Jumps

Minnetonka Track And Field Off-Season Conditioning (sprint, hurdle, jump)

Conditioning during that part of the year outside of track season is important for several reasons.  Most notably it helps prevent injuries and it enables the athlete to begin the season at a point advanced from where they would be if they were inactive during that time.  With a strong base, athletes can set their goals higher and have a better chance of achieving them without set backs from injuries. 

If you participate  in another sport during this time...great!  Good luck and work hard. The work you put in will carry over to track.  If you are not involved in another sport during fall or winter seasons we would encourage you make a commitment to condition on your own.

Keep workouts to about an hour and it is highly recommended to have a workout buddy or group.  You are much more likely to stick with it if you do.

Below are some suggestion, a kind of menu.  For each workout,  choose from the various components of conditioning as well as a workout within that component.  Make sure not to leave any component out.  They are all important!

If you have any questions about the program contact one of the coaches.  Coaches contact information is available on the web site.

Minnetonka Track and Field Coaching Staff

Off Season Workouts


Workout Schedule


Day 1 - Short Speed

Day 2 - Active Recovery

Day 3 - Speed Endurance

Day 4 - Rest

Day 5 - Short Speed

Day 6 - Resistance

Day 7 - Rest


Weight Training

Optional but recommended - Pick 2 to 3 days each week to do weight training

Start light with 10-12 reps. Increase weight slightly every other week and decrease reps to 4-6.

**do not do a lift if you do not know how to do it.**



Squat Jumps



Calf Raises

Bicep Curls

Push Ups / Clap Push Ups

Tricep Extensions

Bench Press

Shoulder Press


Warm up

2 laps or 5 minute jog

Leg swings - 10 x side/forward/pawing

First 5 sets of Spiderman (20m)

5 plyos (30m)

2 accels (50m)


Cool Down

2 laps or 5 minute jog

4 Sets

10 minutes of good stretching

Workout Options by Type

There is a DISTANCE option and a TIME option for each workout. Use the DISTANCE option if you have access to a track. Use the TIME option if you are running on a road or sidewalk and pay attention to the speed %. **be careful when running on the roads during the winter**


Short Speed / Acceleration

Focus on accelerating quickly by using big, strong arms to drive you forward. Practice with blocks if possible, or from a 3 point start. Stay low and drive out of the start.


Option 1

DISTANCE: 2 x 30, 2 x 50, 2 x 80 with 3 minutes recovery (95% speed)

TIME: 2 x 6 seconds, 2 x 8 seconds, 2 x 12 seconds with 3 minutes recovery (95% speed)


Option 2

DISTANCE: 8 x 30m with 3 minutes recovery (95% speed)

TIME: 8 x 6 seconds with 3 minutes recovery (95% speed)


Option 3

DISTANCE: 3 x 30m flys (20m accel, 30m sprint, 20m decel) with 3 minutes recovery and 3 x 100m sprint with 5 minutes recovery (95% speed)

TIME: 3 x 6 sec flys - 4 sec accel, 6 sec sprint, 6 sec decel with 3 min recovery and 3 x 16 sec sprint with 5 minutes recovery (up to 95% speed)


Option 4

6 x 60m (or 10 seconds) with 4 minutes recovery (95% speed)


Speed Endurance

Focus on form. Relax your arms and hands. Building endurance is key, even for sprinters.


Option 1

DISTANCE: 6 x 300m with 5 minute recovery (80% speed or 20 seconds per 100m)

TIME: 6 x 60 seconds with 5 minute recovery (80% speed)


Option 2

DISTANCE: 6 x 150m with 3 minutes recovery (90% speed)

TIME: 6 x 24 seconds with 3 minutes recovery (90% speed)


Option 3

DISTANCE: 6 x 100m with slow walk back recovery - about 1–2 minutes (95% speed)

TIME: 6 x 16 seconds with slow walk back recovery - about 1–2 minutes (95% speed)

Option 4

200 Progression Workout - move up a level each time you do this workout.

Level 1 - 8 x 200m (36 seconds) with 2:30 rest (80% speed)

Level 2 - 7 x 200m (35 seconds) with 2:20 rest (82% speed)

Level 3 - 6 x 200m (34 seconds) with 2:10 rest (84% speed)

Level 4 - 5 x 200m (33 seconds) with 2:00 rest (86% speed)

Level 5 - 4 x 200m (32 seconds) with 1:50 rest (88% speed)

Level 6 - 4 x 200m (31 seconds) with 1:40 rest (90% speed)

Level 7 - 4 x 200m (30 seconds) with 1:30 rest (92% speed)


These are the times you should be hitting for each rep.



Focus on big strong arms, high knees, and making quick and powerful contacts with the ground staying tall and not leaning forward. Use stairs, carry light weights, or use resistance bands if hills are not available. 


Option 1

12 x 5 second hills with 2 minute recovery (95% speed) - short and steep hill


Option 2

8 x 10 second hills with slow walk down recovery (95% speed) - short and steep hill


Option 3

4 x 20 second hills with slow walk down recovery (90% speed) - long and gradual hill


Option 4

2 x 20 second hills with slow walk down recovery (90% speed) - long and gradual hill

8 x 5 second hills with slow walk down recovery (95% speed)  - short and steep hill 


Active Recovery

This is not a rest day. Focus on getting your heart rate up without putting stress on your legs. These are good days to foam roll, or massage our your legs.


Option 1

20 minute run or 40 minute walk


Option 2

30 minutes Bike / Elliptical / Rollerblade


Option 3

Swimming - 20 minutes laps, 20 minutes aqua jog or 25 min treading water


Option 4

1 hour of Yoga or Pilates


Option 5

Light weights 30% of max weight, abs, and fire hydrants



Depending on your injury, focus on getting your heart rate up.


Option 1

Bike or Swim (aqua jog) - 10 x (30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy)


Option 2

Bike or Swim (aqua jog) - 6 x (1 minute hard, 30 seconds easy)


Option 3

Bike / Elliptical / Rollerblade - 30 minutes 


Option 4

Swimming - 20 minutes laps or 20 minutes aqua jog or 25 min treading water


Option 5

Yoga or Pilates